Retrobike phone app?


GT Fan
Was thinking would it be viable to possibly bring up idea for retrobike phone app? there seams to be one for everything now a days just a thought......
Whats everone else think? :?
Very true,but when am out n about it would be just a one touch operation,instead of getting onto my yahoo browser typing in 'retrobike' choosing frm said browser,then after all that you miss out on that specific part you need to finish your latest project/pride n joy.
Just thought I would ask if anyone else had thought about it also if it cost 69pence to download then the site would generate funds to keep going?
Just an idea.
I'd pay 69p for a Retrobike app, definitely.

Only needs to be a simple App too - just don't restrict it to Apple-only!
See, that's a couple of quid already!

Judging by some of the apps I've see, that's already more than they spent on r&d..!