RetroBike National MTB Rd 6: Peak District ~ 06/09/14

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Recce ride successfully completed today. The route is, of course, great and for those who are already lamenting the loss of the radio mast climb, you'll be pleased to know that the climb up Chapel Gate is equally rewarding/heinous.

New cafe stop too. Great food and it serves beer and wine. I'll post up a menu for food pre-orders in the next week.

The final descent is very very good as well.

Aiming to get to this one. Been a pants year for clashes and stupid cough, finally starting to retreat after four weeks.

What's the skinny on campsite off choice, may camp, or posh it up in a b&b.
Re: RetroBike National Series Rd 6: Peak District ~ 06/09/14

TedC, we usually camp at Laneside (link in the first post I think), which isn't the cheapest but has lovely facilities and is but a short stumble to the start and the pub :D Hoping to be there Friday.

There has been mention of another site up the bloody big hill towards Pindale, but there's no way I can be doing with the massive climb either at the end of the ride or the end of the evening! :lol:

If booking Laneside DO NOT mention being part of a group, they don't like that sort of malarky...

drystonepaul":kpuiyeqm said:
The final descent is very very good as well.
Easily a leading candidate for understatement of the year - the last descent is completely epic!
Re: RetroBike National Series Rd 6: Peak District ~ 06/09/14

Cant believe that I wont be able to make this really enjoyed it last time pants year from me and only leaves the lakes ride must get my priorities in order and support the lads who take the time and effort to organise these great days out have a good one from me and as usual the only thing I will have to look forward to is the aftermath report and photos my most used piece of retro gear this year has been my retro mug ive owned it from new and although its had a hard life from all the cups of tea and its now got a couple of chips but no dints or cracks and cleans up well I wouldn't part with it after all we've through and all the fond memories it gives me especially last winter in front of the log burner with a few chocolate biscuits !!
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