Retrobike Man Bag Order II (Black & Brown)

Had a couple of queries regarding timescales. Just to clarify things I have ordered new bags from a couple of suppliers. These are currently being embroidered. When I have them will get them dispateched...
BikerBob":u406u843 said:
Hi John,

Any update on dispatch please? Not seen a sign of anything yet.

Thanks Bob

bags should be with me late this week. If you're at mayhem you can collect there. Otherwise will dispatch early the following week.
mikeekim89":d8icb8m7 said:
don't suppose you've got a update on the bags boss? Ta,

not as such. The bags are here with me as indicated above and will be in the post early this week as indicated.
The bags are packed and will go out in the post in that all imporatant hour between the local PO opening after their siesta and the footy KO. A couple of people will have some unusual packaging for which I apologise.

@jjwood - let me know your address
@andrewl - let me know if you'd like me to sort the FTF shirt too
@Defiant - assume ok to collect with the Endura kit at the BDW

Only a couple left now, both brown. If you want one be quick.