RetroBike in decline?


Bin Monkey
BoTM Winner
PoTM Winner
GT Fan
Home page hasnt been updated in 18 months

Sales of parts hardly setting the world on fire

Shop doesnt work

Has the party moved on?

The one thing I've noticed since coming back on is the sales. Many people joining just to sell. Not interested in the hobbie. With prices that aren't going to sell. Also many of the regular posters have gone. I hardly see the people that comment when I first joined.
But their are people on here will advice and knowledge so perhaps the site goes on while the faces change? The site looks popular unlike other chat rooms
Has some told john about the shop problems?

I'm sure plenty of people are going to want to join in with this discussion, and it's one we've had a fair few times before I think. The general conclusion in the past has been that, most of us have got the bikes we wanted, and there's only any real interest left in the rare and hard to find parts, hence the slow down in general sales.

For my part, I've struggled to literally give things away in the recent past on here, and of course there's the rapid rise in things like Facebook pages - I for one have bought/sold a lot on there very easily, both on the retro pages, and also on a local buying and selling page for cycling stuff.
Interesting that this is the biggest organised turnout for mayhem though. The area groups seem quiet. Rbotm/botm has slowed too. Agree with sales. But I'm a relatively new member.

Wanna buy a kona ?
Ebb and Flow, its always a bit of a quite time for selling and the winter months don't encourage people to get out and ride. As for the up keep of the site it falls on one mans shoulders and if other things like life are taking precedence it can be hard to find the time or even the enthusiasm to maintain it. As for area groups if the AEC's of that area group are unable to give some time to organising a few events then they should really step down I don't mean that in a nasty way as all are volunteers and their efforts are much appreciated as with all the moderators who help keep the site going.
I'm not a big Facebook user and as such I don't know what happens in these groups, are there more events being organised for local groups ?

Anyway time to go and ride :D

Slow news day?

I've not frequented the RB forum as much as I have in the past, that's life, other things to be doing. Although when I have glanced at the For Sale forums there's been nothing there to get me interested tbh.

As for area groups, I know the last north/west Yorkshire ride I went to had 18-20 riders iirc, must have been an area record! And MacRetro always has things going on.

I have seen the Facebook retro bike and buy/sell pages gain popularity in the last couple of years, perhaps people are spreading their time between sites, whereas they used to solely spend time on here?

I've not noticed any particular decline in Retrobike, just an increase in people jumping on the retro mtb bandwagon and sending prices of common or everyday items upwards.


I asked the same a year or so ago and got all kinds of replies.

For me, I've pretty much got what I want and have room for. I keep having a nibble but not like I did. Add to this that I just don't have the time to spend on here or in the garage that I did due to a 3 year old and a 12 week old.

Oh, and most of the bikes that made me go 'wow' have been done. Where as I used to check every section, everyday I now just flick through the 'new posts' section to see if anything catches my eye.

As for riding I don't get chance to go on the group rides and prefer my modern bike the rest of the time.

Agree with the site though, it doesn't seem to be updated very often and Jon doesn't seem to be about much. That being said, these issues don't really detract from the site and it's still one of the main places I visit.
Have to say that it may appear Jon isnt here, I'd say other, unless other mods can sort the spam attacks we get time to time. Prime example was 2 nights ago when a huge number of threads were spammed, literally across the board :shock: That was about 3am, and by morning they were gone.

I'd say the last thread of this frightened the market :? We were sitting in our own little worlds, not bothering really about the money, more caught up in it all. Then as far as I can see came a Dutch tulip market moment, and everybody near about stopped buying, leaving everyone holding the bag.
Re: Re:

brocklanders023":3v8jkmfi said:
I asked the same a year or so ago and got all kinds of replies.

For me, I've pretty much got what I want and have room for. I keep having a nibble but not like I did. Add to this that I just don't have the time to spend on here or in the garage that I did due to a 3 year old and a 12 week old.

Oh, and most of the bikes that made me go 'wow' have been done. Where as I used to check every section, everyday I now just flick through the 'new posts' section to see if anything catches my eye.

As for riding I don't get chance to go on the group rides and prefer my modern bike the rest of the time.

Agree with the site though, it doesn't seem to be updated very often and Jon doesn't seem to be about much. That being said, these issues don't really detract from the site and it's still one of the main places I visit.

Pretty much sums it up for me too apart from i still only ride retro. Ride attendance looks on the up though. Stuff is not selling for close to what many of us paid, so that is painful. Seems to still be interest in the weird and wonderful stuff though.

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