RetroBike Classic MTB Ride: Peak District ~ 12/09/15

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legrandefromage":2b5puzvw said:
No me this year. First holiday since 2009 instead.

Enjoy yourselves!

The extravagance! Pinacoladas by the pool in Benidorm...? :lol:

That would ordinarily guarantee us some sunshine in the UK I imagine, however I've just booked the tent in to Laneside, so it'll be interesting to see which faction of Sod's Law prevails...

Hey Myshrall189,you can keep me company at the back, as i'm not exactly on form. :wink: I will keep up though, until the guy in front notices i have lashed our bikes together for that "share the energy man" that all good hippies should tolerate. :wink:

Anyhow, all, let's have a pop up jumble after the ride n' all!! i have small stash of bargains, i mean quality kit for 50p and some other goodies that won't be much more coin. Funds will pay for my fuel home! :)
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