Retro @ York Cycle rally 2022

Gang of us on MTB’s went there, and it was full of ‘roadies’. It felt like the opposite of the cool MTB scene: traditional, old, somewhat dull. Nothing like the fresh new scene we were reading about in MBUK… Plus none of the vendors were selling MTB kit.

Its always had a following of the oldie roadie gang but at the meeting two years ago I sold them the idea of moving with the times and if they can allow electric bikes there why not oldie mtbers, it needed a different crowd to survive and I hope it works out, I'm gonna talk to them about possibilities of altering the date for the following year so it doesnt conflict with other events too...... think I would be pushing it though.
It's had BMX/Trials and ramps in recent years and many trikes too. Also some local shop style 'shops' over the past years (when it has been able to open and I turned up.)

One year not so long ago it had a retrostyle mtb/bike display. No idea which group it was doing that.
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I will be there but not with much in the way of bikes. Recent events have reminded me least I forget that I have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and so driving down Friday post work is not a good idea. I will let the train take the strain and bring my ghetto modded Bickerton Cyclosh### folder bike with me. It will be hidden, not displayed unless light relief is required 😂
It's had BMX/Trials and ramps in recent years and many trikes too. Also some local shop style 'shops' over the past years (when it has been able to open and I turned up.)

One year not so long ago it had a retrostyle mtb/bike display. No idea which group it was doing that.

Was that the one with th proflex 550? I vaguely remember one being on a triple stand....

I will let the train take the strain and bring my ghetto modded Bickerton Cyclosh### folder bike with me. It will be hidden, not displayed unless light relief is required 😂

Light relief is the aim..... more than welcome to grace the stand sir
I will be there but not with much in the way of bikes. Recent events have reminded me least I forget that I have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and so driving down Friday post work is not a good idea. I will let the train take the strain and bring my ghetto modded Bickerton Cyclosh### folder bike with me. It will be hidden, not displayed unless light relief is required 😂
Bickerton, the mainstay of the Shite Bikes facebook group.
Was that the one with th proflex 550? I vaguely remember one being on a triple stand....
Could be, some of the dates on things were off, but nice stand. Must of been around the 'flood' years so 2010/12ish. Well more severe then York usually gets :)
I wonder if I took pictures.

Another year, maybe the same one, they had ramps and BMX/Trials stuff up.
Added to the event.
I remember the BMX & trials, I still have the programmes so might have a look.

As far as floods go York racecourse doesn't get it that bad does it 🚣