Retro SanFran/California/Marin holiday advice needed...!!!


Retrobike Rider
Gold Trader
Ok, quick story - the wife and I are going on our first ever foreign holiday in the 15 years we have been together.

Some people would take a trip to France to do something cheap and simple as a first trip but we don't want that. So we decided to spend a hideous amount of money to go to San Francisco (for 5 days) and then tour California (for 10 days). Organising everything ourselves!!

Anyway, I was thinking of going to Marin County and maybe hire a bike. Ride a few classic trails for a day or two.

Can anyone help with the original locations to go to - just to say Ive been there? Maybe the Repack downhill, other ideas appreciated.

Renting a retro MTB would be best of course - can this be done?

Any other SF or California places to go, especially for bike stuff, would be appreciated.

I know this is in the Retro bike section but it is about retro bike stuff/locations so I think it's justified??

Do you own a copy of the Klunkerz DVD?? was watching it last night and its great especially with loadsa info about the local area Marin County etc :)
You have to ride over the Golden Gate bridge - I did it at the end of a two-week tour riding from Portland. There is a nice pedestrian / cycle path outside of the traffic.

That bridge is hiiiiiiiiigh...scared myself silly as I hate heights. :shock:
PM fairfax pat, thats his back yard.
Sanfrancisco is awsome though, one of the few cities I've been to with a real unique "feel" to it.
I've PM'd Fairfaxpat and sent a link to this thread - it's better if any advice is open to anyone to benefit from... ;-)
Have a great trip. Don't be surprised if you run into Repack Rider or Fairfax Pat on your rides. If you want a copy of Klunkerz to get you fired-up for your trip, they are available on Amazon. The link says they'll ship to US only but, if you email me direct, I'll send to UK for an extra $3.00US. Just email me off of the Klunkerz site.
I'd be happy to show you around Marin. I ride most days, so any of the runs you have heard of around here we can go on, plus lots that you probably haven't heard of! Lake Tahoe is one of my favorite places outside of Marin and would be a good place to visit also. Here's a pic. from the Flume ride at Lake Tahoe. Just pm me and we'll meet up! Pat


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