Retro Music Lovers (up to and including 31/12/1999)

Pete Seeger's rendition of mighty McGinn's humorous pro-contraception song. Fitting in the wake of the horrendous news of the overturned bill in America, where once again the conversative anti-women agenda is allowed to flourish, the result of course an immense loss to women's reproductive rights. Their body, their choice.

Pete Seeger's rendition of mighty McGinn's humorous pro-contraception song. Fitting in the wake of the horrendous news of the overturned bill in America, where once again the conversative anti-women agenda is allowed to flourish, the result of course an immense loss to women's reproductive rights. Their body, their choice.

Beggars belief....85% of Americans support abortion's going to kick off out there.
I just dont understand....I can only put it down to too much indoctrination of God fearing Bible bashing twaddle...they'll be wanting to hunt witches soon ....with guns off course.
Hard one to follow imlach...but just maybe this follows of music's great lyric mysteries!
And an absolute favourite of mine....
