Retro Music Lovers (up to and including 31/12/1999)

The Crickets - I Fought The Law (subsequently covered by Bobby Fuller and, even later, by The Clash):

And with Buddy Holly - Not Fade Away (subsequently covered by The Rolling Stones and the Grateful Dead):
I love trio's that produce a full sound, one of the best, the Police. Three great musicians, Stuart Copeland being one of my favourite drummers, underrated and apart from Elvin Jones was the hardest drummer i used to transcribe.

Saddened by the loss of Julee Cruise, a woman who became the essence of the atmosphere of one of the greatest shows in televised history, and of course just an extraordinary singer songwriter who paved the way for so many brilliant artists of today.

Without her the world of dreamy, ambient pop music would never have become the thing it is today, her and Badalamenti were a musical match made in heaven and Lynch couldn't have picked anyone but them.
