Retro Music Lovers (up to and including 31/12/1999)

Thread is starting to get thin on the electronic front ....

I should say that it's not a derisive laugh , just a laugh . I showed my 5 yr old kids the vid a month or so ago and they were like , Daddy , whaat is this ??
I should say that it's not a derisive laugh , just a laugh . I showed my 5 yr old kids the vid a month or so ago and they were like , Daddy , whaat is this ??


I trust you explained the advanced graphics were recorded from an IBM mono green CRT VDU, Polycell wall paper paste was used
for hair styling, the wardrobe was supplied from various specialist shops in the Soho area and the vocal samples were taken from Bladerunner 1982.

I bought the 12 inch of love missile and still have it. Bonkersly brilliant along with........

This is an amazing music video! I actually had to look in the comments to be assured that it was fan made. To vinkwick, you sir, or madam, have made an astounding music video and I still can't believe it wasn't done by Thirwell himself!
Great stuff @squirrelchaser

This one just gets under the 1999 bar. First time I heard this I had to pull over the car as I was bad laughing.

This is such a creepy song, it's so disturbing how he leaves it open ended whether the people in the song are right in their suspicions about their neighbour or whether it's just their paranoia, which leaves us listeners questioning the neighbours actions as well :eek::LOL:
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I trust you explained the advanced graphics were recorded from an IBM mono green CRT VDU, Polycell wall paper paste was used
for hair styling, the wardrobe was supplied from various specialist shops in the Soho area and the vocal samples were taken from Bladerunner 1982.

I'll update my explanation . You shouldn't lie to kids . Apparently .

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