Order! Order!
@Woz - thank you, that is a very sensible approach. That's exactly what I've done with my last modern gravel build and I very quickly knew it wasn't for me. Never even put the gears on it. The build before that was very different - I've put about 2k miles on it before I thought it might be a fail, and followed up with another 6k before I concluded that I really hate that bike

The problem (I blame the French

) is that the frame is so "exotique" that getting it built up as anything is quite expensive. French thread BB & Italian (or JIS - did it even exist back in 1950s?) headset alone cost more than I paid for the frame shipped & taxed. Add a 26.0/26.2 seatpost and French quill + 650B wheels and before I even think about the drivetrain, I'm already way too invested into this.
26" wheels won't work as the cantis are placed very high - another couple of mm and they would be too high for 650B! I suspect the bike might work as a 700c conversion.
I can always use the 650B in a 26er frame conversion if this build fails.
Resale value is probably around the going rate for 3.2kg of scrap steel at the moment, unless I find some other schmuck who's crazy enough to build this up. Some minor mods won't hurt.
In regard to internal gears - I'd love to try them, and I have a Sturmey Archer 3 speed hub in the parts box, but it is for a 28h drilling...I couldn't find any reasonably priced rims in rim-brake 650B in 28h. Only found two, both at around £100 price point per rim. Ouch.
I don't know much about ig hubs, and know very little theory about running them without a tensioner. The hub will be used eventually, but for another frame.
Anyway, leaking crapper is fixed, and I even managed to do some work on the frame tonight.
- Rear cold set to 130. Dropouts had to be filed from 9.6mm axle diameter to 10mm. Tried fitting a wheel with a 9sp cassette into the frame and it seems to go in without any drama.
- Front cold set to 100.
- All eyelet mounts were drilled for ~5.2mm holes with no thread, so I figured I might as well run an M6 tap into them while I'm at it.
- I've sawn off the ghastly pump pegs and the old-school dynamo mount. If I'm going to run a dynamo, it will probably be on a dyno-hub, however, I find that batteries & lights are so good these days that a dyno might not be necessary. Still need to tidy up the stubs with a file.
- Laced a pair of 650b rims into novatech hubs.
It looks like the frame can take a 47mm tyre + guards, which would be absolutely fabulous.
Also, while parts of the frame have, indeed, degraded to merde-brown in dark lighting, some sections (that were less exposed to the elements) still show the original paint, which happens to be a stunning blood red metallic, with a silver paint base layer followed with a semi-transparent red.