Retro-meet round-up


Retro Guru
I'll leave a main write-up to Wu-tangled who is infinitely more skilled with reports than I however...

Chris, Gus, Sarah, Tony, Matt and I met-up in Arundel for some retro-tastic action on the south downs.

Notable incidents included;
loose rear cassette,
snapped rear mech,
loosing people and a few accidents, none of which were serious really.

Mr Benn prize to Gus - as always
Best mechanical to Chris - thank goodness for those horiz. dropouts
The top navigator has to be Matt after sailing on down a long detour at about 30mph, only to have to cycle back up it!

It was a superb ride & many thanks to Mr & Mrs Wu for the super hospitality!

Joe aka "The Bicycle Hooligan"
From the three different threads looks likea grand ride. Top weather for it too....
Gravity Karma":250nnv7x said:
it was a great day - pity all the pics seemed to be during the mechanicals LOL

...never a photographer around when you need one is there?...


many thanks to Hotel Wu!! top service from Gus and Sarah, i think ill be visiting again!! and what a great ride, the combined route knowlege (and occasional lack!! :p ) of Gus and Joe opening up lots of nice fast singletrack! some of it going on for what seemes like forever! one section that sticks in the mind - the trail sort of dissapearing, me looking round to see if i had gone the right way and seeing a rear wheel about 6 foot in the air!! followed by the sound of breaking twigs and leaves!!! joe using up a bit too much gravity karma! lol!!!
well worth the trek down! had a slight issue with my cassette loosening and sounding like a bag of nuts! but small fry compared to Chris's exploding mech! and top marks for completing almost the whole of the ride single speed!! nutter!

Tintins trimble! :) lovely! it may only weigh 22lbs or so, but id sacrifice another few grams and get some brakes!!! :D

20something miles accross some wonderful terrain, sun shining, good cafe and i think you could have counted the number of other cyclists on one hand! madness!!!

after the ride back to mr+ mrs wu for cake and medals! lol! cheers guys! :) then i had to shoot as i needed to show the modern boys in dorset how to ride! - about 15 or so people... I was easily the most retro! being the ONLY BIKE WITH VBRAKES!!! :shock: every one else riding disc!!! 28.66 miles at 12mph! now that was REALLY hard after being worked on sat, but apart from cartwheelng the Fat once in a rocky sandy decent (its never fun walking back upto your bike!) i managed to keep up and infront of most of them... the singletrack was eing eaten up by me, my main failing being the climbs, which were crucifying, but thats more to do with my fitness than the bike :)

edit... the decent was 35+mph :p and not pleasent cycling back up!!! especally as id just said no more climbs for me!! :)
I cant remeber the exact specs of the ride, but i think it was 24ish miles at about 9average :)
mattpayne":3h7fdzr3 said:
one section that sticks in the mind - the trail sort of dissapearing, me looking round to see if i had gone the right way and seeing a rear wheel about 6 foot in the air!! followed by the sound of breaking twigs and leaves!!! joe using up a bit too much gravity karma! lol!!!

yeah, I over-cooked that one a bit! I've got a bruise the size of my hand just above my right knee from that one, didn't stop me going out yesterday though!

Mrs Wu really made me laugh when she said "you're just a hooligan on a bike" - biggest riding compliment I've ever had :)
So I figure this is the thread to continue then Matt and all...

Thanks all, me and the Mrs had a lovely time - nothing better than hanging out with nice people, riding bikes and drinking beers.

You are all welcome anytime. Joe and I are more than happy to organise a repeat before long if you want to pop down again.

And any others...the more the merrier.

The single most genius part was the way Matt managed to get that bike in that car...

"I can get the wheels in the boot if I deflate the tyres" - even more genius considering that he was running 1.8's!!!


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