Replacing Coda brake disc srews


Dirt Disciple
Hello all,
I need to replace some old screws of my Coda brake disc, but I'm not sure which one I should buy as replacement. Do any M5 x 12 screws work? Thanks.
Can remember if they are 10 or 12 mm.

If you are not in a hurry, i can post at set or two since i have loads of these due to replacing witb Ti bolts.
I would think any M5x12 bolts would work. Steel preferably. Most rotor bolts these days have the Torx head fitment on them.
Not quite any. They tend to be high tensile steel, hence the black finish, and torx head better than hex.

And no, they do not need to be made by coda.
Dont forget to dab a bit of locking compound when fitting.