removing steerer tubes


Dirt Disciple
I need to replace a steere tube on a set of 99 Z1's as it is to short for my new frame . any tips on removing it . Fitting it is gonna be easy enough . Cheers for any help or if any one can do it for me?
Assume it's not a bolt-in steerer then??

Any engineering firm will be able to press out the old steerer and press in the new one - DON'T think you can get away with hammering the new steerer in, it puts too much stress on the alloy crown; you'll either tear the metal or produce stress fractures...
Ah, but if you heat the crown up you're changing the properties of the alloy; it will become granular and break...
i usually machine the old steerer out , in the lathe and bore out the tube
till it collapses , measure the crown bore , then make a steerer to fit
and shrink fit it
heating alloy crowns to around 100 deg c is not gonna change the grain
structure , as with welding if you anneal it you can re-harden it

also consider freezing the steerer along with heating the crown to fit them
that plumbers pipe freeze stuff is brilliant for it
I am in the same position with my Z3 bomber. Windwave do still offer a service to press out and in a replacement steerer as long as it is only done once in the lifetime of the unit. ... vices.html

However, I emailed them almost a week ago and have not heard a peep out of them, which I find a bit dissapointing.

So, looks like I may still have to bribe Mikee to do mine yet! :oops: :roll: