
I know the feeling. Thankfully, poor bike shops are in the minority. However there are still a few shops whose staff quite seriously believe that anything pre-2010 is "retro" and anything pre-2000 is obsolete.

In fact, I was having a conversation with a member of staff from one of my local bike shops on Twitter yesterday (well, more a bike store than a shop). He posed the question, "what would you buy if you had a budget of £200. New lights, new cycling wardrobe or a Garmin".

I replied with "A XTR (M95x) equipped, mid-90s Kona Cindercone. Sod the Garmin!" - There's actually one for sale on here right now which isn't far off £200.

He then replied to me and said "Wow, I'd hang that thing on the wall, not ride it"..

The Raleigh trade catalogue caters for just about every retro whim and theres no reason why a bike shop shouldnt have one.
Re: No wonder I don't use local bike shops

Foxychick":vr07vvkh said:
Shop assistant +10 minutes later ,a mechanic comes up to me and looks at me like I'm some sort of alien , sorry not sure what you mean by cantilever brakes, maybe take a look for you week on Tuesday, we may need to order some parts in , so can you fetch the bike in next week :roll:

This is another thing which really winds me up - don't even get me started!
With the risk of lighting the blue touchpaper did it go: walk into bike shop, sales assistant can I help? you, yes please I want some blocks for cantilever brakes can you ask your mechanic to stop whatever he is doing and fit them for me now as I don't want to leave my bike and I'm sure this is more important than anything else you have on at the moment?
How do you know they wernt booked out until the following Tuesday? I appreciate they are somewhat lacking in their knowledge and therefore you were right in walking away but to expect them just to fit them because you are standing in front of them is a bit rich
If it didn't go down like that then I apologise profusely it's just the biggest bugbear I had while working in a bike shop was customers bringing bikes in and expecting you to fix them there and then or failing that asking to borrow the tools. Ha try that at the local garage and see where it gets you
Sorry rant over and for the record any bike mechanic who doesn't know what a cantilever brake is should be down the Dole office
Chute55uk":v92miyaf said:
With the risk of lighting the blue touchpaper did it go: walk into bike shop, sales assistant can I help? you, yes please I want some blocks for cantilever brakes can you ask your mechanic to stop whatever he is doing and fit them for me now as I don't want to leave my bike and I'm sure this is more important than anything else you have on at the moment?
How do you know they wernt booked out until the following Tuesday? I appreciate they are somewhat lacking in their knowledge and therefore you were right in walking away but to expect them just to fit them because you are standing in front of them is a bit rich
If it didn't go down like that then I apologise profusely it's just the biggest bugbear I had while working in a bike shop was customers bringing bikes in and expecting you to fix them there and then or failing that asking to borrow the tools. Ha try that at the local garage and see where it gets you
Sorry rant over and for the record any bike mechanic who doesn't know what a cantilever brake is should be down the Dole office

from what i read i think the OP was asking if they had the means to just fit and set it up - an open ended type question - i'm reading between the lines here, so i could be wrong, but that just sounds like an inquiry, rather than a demand for instant assistance ;)