Remembrance Day Ride, Binbrook 13/11/11

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same route, i may do one half of it in reverse for a bit more fun so the short steep uphill will be a downhill instead 8)
I'm looking forward to this now, for one reason or another I've not managed to get out on my bike sinse the Leigh hill ride :roll:

Oh yeah, I'll be bringing my mightily impresive tache with me too :lol:
I've not been on a bike since Leith Hill either Ali!

Might drag the Clockwork out for the day

Anyone else up for this ride?
i should be able to make it. should be bringing my mate stephen grundy who will either be on an orange 5, or my trek 9000! :shock:
just got the proflex 955 running (needed a new swing arm, then needed a mech hanger) so might be on that. or might bring the trek out for a play. will see how i feel in the morning.

got gear problems on the flex though - it wont go into 6 from 5, it just jumps (very cleanly) straight to 7. i think the stops are adjusted correctly so guess it must be a tension issue.

if i bring it would someone have a quick fiddle if i dont sort it tonight?

i hate gears.

@andy b, did you get a price for the bonty saddle?

oh i might be bringing 2 modern friends now, hope that is ok with everyone?

we can put branches in their spokes if they start preaching!
Big question to all you Nroth Lincs locals.

Along the A18 from the A180/A15 interchange and Humberside Airport.
Is there a breakfast place. I'm sure I've seen some signs travelling down there.
Melton Ross are ?

This is quite Important ;)
yes and it is good. barney's cafe.

we are off there at half 8.

it isnt particularly cheap, i think a small breakjfast is about a fiver going up to £8 for a belly buster but it is very good
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