Senior Retro Guru
So, I had another go this morning. Sanded the entire post down again, cleaned with brake cleaner and applied the bluing agent with a brush again as per the videos I’ve been watching. Same rubbish finish. After several coats and a few attempts to scotchbrite back, I started to loose interest. I decided to give it one last try using a cloth to apply the agent and this time getting loads of agent on the post as quickly as possible. I also used a fair bit of force to rub the agent in, all over. This made a big difference to the finish. Although not perfect, it looks pretty presentable and much more even. I have applied a coat of olive oil and am leaving it until this evening to clean off. Hopefully the results will be worth it.
Nice to save a decent old component that I would have simply sold on. Planning to fit to my Roberts DB build.
Nice to save a decent old component that I would have simply sold on. Planning to fit to my Roberts DB build.