RED (pink?) inner tubes??!

Only going to be fitted on the new Merlin garage-queen - a mild thrash down a towpath maybe to the pub on a Sunday (lean her up on a wall and admire her curves whilst supping an ale and eating a pack of Pipers beef crisps), then back in the shed - next time it/ she gets an airing I expect to give her a good pump. Just don't tell the wife
You only use the Air-B valve caps for racing?😉
Some racers use
No Valve Caps At All!😂
🤣 🤣 🤣

It's all in the mind and out psyche your opponents before you even start with them extra fast read valve caps! ;)

I think the reason why the valve caps weren't lost is because I never fitted them for racing as they were safely squirrelled away in the valve cap drawer.

Race bike set-up always felt fast vs. normal thanks to lighter wheel set-up. 💪