Record and Super Record brake levers


Old School Grand Master
Have the chance of a pair of 80s Colnago panto levers (Super Record) in good nick. Question: Will they fit on 80s Record body? I've got an old set of scratched up Records for a donor.
I would think so. Weren't they identical except SR had drilled levers and R were smooth?
The holes were punched not drilled. Some say the very first ones were drilled, but this is hard to pin down because there were so many that were drilled aftermarket.

You can tell they're punched because the punching was done before the flat metal was bent, so the holes are distorted.

Fun fact, SR "drilled" levers aren't any lighter than undrilled Record. Well, to the nearest gram anyway, that's as close as my scale can read. I had heard it said that SR were actually heavier, so I had to check it for myself. Both are 30g.

30g Record lever.webp
30g SuperRecord lever.webp

Looks like they compensated for the holes by making them out of slightly thicker metal.

In the pic above you can see the distortion of the holes from bending after they were punched
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