Rebuilding an circa 2000 RockShoxSID


Dirt Disciple
Perhaps I should be posting this in the 1997->, but I'm thinking someone here has done this before.

Ok, the RockShox manual says to use "Redrum" fork oil. Well needless RockShox doesn't make Redrum shock oil any more and from what I read on the web, RockShox stopped spec'ing Redrum around '03. In it's place RockShox started spec'ing 15w shock oil. I've also read that Redrum shock oil is basically automotive assembly lube/oil.

With all that said, I'm assembling a SID dual air, and wondering if anyone has had any experience in using either 15w or the assembly lube when putting a similar fork back together? I suspect either would be fine, but I'm don't know the pros and cons of one versus the other.


I've rebuilt and serviced many a rock show fork. Mainly modern 32mm but also some older 28mm side but a long time ago.

I would recommend using fork oil, if 15wt is the equivalent of redrum, go with that as fork oil is designed for forks (duh) and has additives to aid damping, prevent bubbling and will be kind to the rubber seals (recently discovered if using modern fox forks, seals can he damaged if you use the wrong oil such as fox gold on older forks).

I tend to use motorcycle fork oil as it doesn't carry the bike premium that brands seem to think is fair game. Also found not all 15wt oil is 15wt. Sounds mad, but there are lots of online resources that explain this and can help with getting the right fluid for your needs.

I've recently stocked up on fluids to keep my forks sweet when they need a service, used j-tech suspension and opie oils as they had the best prices for the fluids I needed.

I also found rsp products were good prices for Judy butter equivalent (the grease for the wiper seals) and an air fluid designed to lubricate moving parts inside forks to keep them plush and buttery smooth.

My recent fork servicing endeavours using these products have resulted in forks better than new, which I think is something considering the forks are used, but now better than factory in terms of plushness and operation.

Having taken the plunge servicing my own forks instead of paying £100 a go for a service, I'm really happy with the results and wouldn't dream of paying for a service again. It is so much more satisfying to do it yourself, cost savings are a bonus of course.

Thank you for such a good response. I've always taken care of all my bicycle maintenance. But this redrum oil baffled me. Never used RockShocks back at the turn of the century, basically was a marchozzi fan, so I never had any experience with redrum oil.

Anyway 15w oil it will be. Once again Thx!

I just realised there was a typo. I should have written not all 15wt oil is 15wt oil. It was a surprise to me but there you go. I forgot most of what I read and reasons but I'm sure whatever you buy it won't be far out.