I'll likely mostly be hanging with my mates, but if any one sees me in my Green retrobike thumbie shirt, please feel free to supply me with Ale and say hello...preferably in that order!
Sadly not playing this weekend my new(this week)shift pattern dictates that I would have to fly down by helicopter Saturday morning to get there in time :cry: :cry: and then be back for sat night !!
Getting a bit nervous. Common sense says I shouldn't be doing this. If only I had...
any MTB experience whatsoever; the right bike; a helmet; somewhere warm with hot water to stay; had actually done any biking in the last 6 weeks, then hey! everything would be fine!
Still, I'm not about to lose face with my mates back home so I've borrowed a bike rack, bought some gear today and folded the back seats down. So that's the 'accommodation' sorted.
I'll know a few faces this weekend but if any of you see a tall bald bloke with either a brown retrobike t-shirt or a brown groovycycles t-shirt hanging around with a hippy guy with a scraggly beard then that'll be me (the bald guy not the beardy guy)
singlespeed bike packed, seats folded - not slept in this car yet - it's smaller than my last one - not sure it'll work :shock:
Everything packed, including the singlespeed that is clearly going to cause much pain, although at least I don't have to worry about my gears jamming with mud!
I'll be the short guy with a burgandy 'Therapy?' T shirt on in the pub tonight, probably not too far away from Orange71 and a guy who looks like a Archeologist