Welcome to RBotYear 2020!
All the winners from 2020 are in the poll to see who will take out the RBotYear title!
Such a great selection of wonderful rides to choose from and there is definitely something for everyone.
Thank you to everyone who has taken part throughout the year and thanks also to everyone who has supported, voted and joined in.
I am working on a small prize for the winner and hopefully that will be sorted before the end of the poll.
The usual rules apply in the poll will run for 5 days after which the winner will be announced and the results stay hidden until the finish. Once again thanks to all and the very best of luck to all the entries.
Feb: OldTel - 1914 BSA Light Roadster
oldtelbsalightroadster by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr
March: JSH - 1989 GEWISS Bianchi
jshGewissBianchi by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr
April: Peachy - 1989 Concorde Astore
Peachy by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr
May: allenh - Abeni Europa
AbeniEuropaallenh by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr
July: WimVDD - Eddy Merckx Corsa Extra
EddyMerckxCorsaExtraWimmVDD by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr
August: sherlylock - Claud Butler Electron
sherlylockClaudButlerElectron by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr
September: toby1974 - Pegoretti Lueignino
toby1974PegorettiLuigino by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr
Spokesmann - Carlton Catalina
SpokesmannCarltonCatalina by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr
bagpuss - Carlton International
bagpussCarltonInternational by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr
November: sherlylock - 1939 Claud Butler Tandem
claudbutler by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr
December: Rolling Thunder - 1987 Colnago Master
RollingThunderColnagoMaster by Jamie Dyer, on Flickr
All the winners from 2020 are in the poll to see who will take out the RBotYear title!
Such a great selection of wonderful rides to choose from and there is definitely something for everyone.
Thank you to everyone who has taken part throughout the year and thanks also to everyone who has supported, voted and joined in.
I am working on a small prize for the winner and hopefully that will be sorted before the end of the poll.
The usual rules apply in the poll will run for 5 days after which the winner will be announced and the results stay hidden until the finish. Once again thanks to all and the very best of luck to all the entries.
Feb: OldTel - 1914 BSA Light Roadster

March: JSH - 1989 GEWISS Bianchi

April: Peachy - 1989 Concorde Astore

May: allenh - Abeni Europa

July: WimVDD - Eddy Merckx Corsa Extra

August: sherlylock - Claud Butler Electron

September: toby1974 - Pegoretti Lueignino

Spokesmann - Carlton Catalina

bagpuss - Carlton International

November: sherlylock - 1939 Claud Butler Tandem

December: Rolling Thunder - 1987 Colnago Master