Welcome to RBotM for June 2024 with the theme this month being tourers!
We have had a great spread of entries and some good banter throughout the month.
Some really nice tourers in this list so some decisions to be made and will be interesting to see the results of this one.
Thanks all who entered and joined in the discussion.
Usual format for the poll. Poll will run for 5 days with each member being given one vote. Results will be hidden until the poll ends, and the winner announced.
The nominees are:
non-fixie - Koga Miyata Randonneur
bobby-gg - Hardisty 531
canny colin - Claud Butler Avant Coureur Special
grantoury - Vittorio Randonneur
Psimpson - Claud Butler Sierra
Guinessisgoodforyou - Raleigh Randonneur
Spankfart - Koga Miyata Terra Runner
bikeworkshop - Orbit Tandem
hamster - Witcomb
Dangermouse - Dawes Super Galaxy
bagpuss - Mercian
Top of a Bloo!! big hill .Prozheim Germany by rebalrid, on Flickr
We have had a great spread of entries and some good banter throughout the month.
Some really nice tourers in this list so some decisions to be made and will be interesting to see the results of this one.
Thanks all who entered and joined in the discussion.
Usual format for the poll. Poll will run for 5 days with each member being given one vote. Results will be hidden until the poll ends, and the winner announced.
The nominees are:
non-fixie - Koga Miyata Randonneur

bobby-gg - Hardisty 531

canny colin - Claud Butler Avant Coureur Special

grantoury - Vittorio Randonneur

Psimpson - Claud Butler Sierra

Guinessisgoodforyou - Raleigh Randonneur

Spankfart - Koga Miyata Terra Runner

bikeworkshop - Orbit Tandem

hamster - Witcomb

Dangermouse - Dawes Super Galaxy

bagpuss - Mercian

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