Rat Bike Build - GT Palomar

If I could 180 & manual that clean I'd be dead chuffed, the extra couple of inches of seat tube doesn't look like it's holding you back!

Must be nice being and to ride around with the saddle at a decent height too.

Definitely the coolest build I've seen on here for a bit!
Thanks for the kind words! It’s crazy that this has cost me a fraction of the price of my other bikes, but has turned out so well. The idea of the challenge was to prove you didn’t need a stack of cash to have a cool bike. Which to be fair is mantra a lot of people on this forum champion anyway. 👍🏻

Yeah I reckon with the seat completely slammed it would be fine. This is an 18inch frame, which to be fair is smaller than my usual preference of anywhere between 19 and 23. It has a 22inch top tube which is quite nice from a reach perspective, but not so long that it isn’t snappy for spins. I’m 6ft 2’ for reference. I think a 16inch frame would be slightly better for the park, but compromise the longer distance rides.

I’m certain the bike is more capable than what I achieved on the vid. I was being super cautious and it was my first time riding it, so learning the where the balance points are etc. will improve what I can do on it.

On another note, I’ve been tinkering with spares tonight:


Think I’ll look at getting a mount welded onto the back over the next week or so 🙃
Has to be done I think!

I'm currently riding a dirt jump bike on my local pump tracks / skate parks, and while it's great when I've got it there, the ridiculous little 10" seat tube and SS gear makes it a proper drag riding to/from the good spots. At 5'9" I've been thinking a 15"/16" seat tube would be ideal, and the option to run gears would be nice too (I'm not a good enough rider to really benefit from a super compact frame anyway).

This thread has inspired me to start trawling for a frame to build up!
Has to be done I think!

I'm currently riding a dirt jump bike on my local pump tracks / skate parks, and while it's great when I've got it there, the ridiculous little 10" seat tube and SS gear makes it a proper drag riding to/from the good spots. At 5'9" I've been thinking a 15"/16" seat tube would be ideal, and the option to run gears would be nice too (I'm not a good enough rider to really benefit from a super compact frame anyway).

This thread has inspired me to start trawling for a frame to build up!
Great to hear that the thread has given you some inspiration 👍🏻 Kind of what the challenge was all about.

The good thing about this challenge was a pre defined budget, and a deadline. That kept me razor focused on getting it done fast and cheap. Also made me think about what the most important components are to me and what the end goal was. So sacrificing a front brake was fine for me in place of some straight and strong forks.

If you are looking for something to suit exactly the needs you mention, I have a giant STP surplus to needs which I think is 14inch. Not as retro as the GT but extremely versatile, capable and strong. I would be willing to split if you needed anything from it (no pressure of course just sound like something like this would fit the bill).


I have another STP that started life with the same paint job, but I went all out on the build.
(To give you an idea of how it could be built).


I’ve done a few decent size bike rides on it and it handles them fine. It’s also MEGA for jumps and park riding:

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That STP does look lovely, and thanks for the offer! I think I'm probably after something a little more retro and a little more cheap & cheerful (dare I say it, something it wouldn't be sacriligeous to hold over a camp fire!). It's embarassing enough being out-ridden by all the teenagers without being on a bike that costs 10x what theirs do 😄

I'm thinking one of the early cromo GT Chucker frames could make a rather nice build if one pops up nearby.
So now that the submission date for the bike build off has passed, I decided to do some modifications…

Disc mount welded to the rear, fitted some Frankenstein brakes, consisting of XT leverS with some newer XT callipers from brakes I’ve butchered in the past to make shiguras.

The wheels have also been swapped out for hope pro 2s on WTB i23 rims.


Here’s a quick edit of the process:

And couple of clips at the local skatepark, kudos to my son for mastering a fakie down the ramp, he just needs to do it on his bike now 🤣
