Old School Grand Master
Raleligh Bikes always have a place in my heart, Boxer, Strika, Grifter and Ultra burners were my Child hood bikes, I will never forget the 1st time seeing a Raleigh Maverik with all those gears so wanted one but was not allowed one, I did eventually get a Raleigh mountain bike after I had saved up enough from working at local Raleigh shop, (a 1990 Purple Mirage 1st one in the shop) ,this was back in 1990 to 1992 and to me was the pinical of Raleigh bikes they were producing some crap such as mustang and activator etc which were sold by the lorry load but the Dynatec range was such a step up from these standard heavy items with BMX headsets, bottom brackets and blinking central ridge tyres :roll:. Unfortunatley Raleigh would bring out cool top end bikes and then copy them in the lead vesions which always caused confusion and still does now on ebay :roll:
The Raleigh MTB's that are up there for me are:
Dynatech 1st generation Odyssey , Diablo etc
Thunder road
Maverick mk1's
Supertuff Burner
I think that raleigh looked too much into mass production and numbers rather than concentrating on the larger picture, I think that Anthony has definitley summed it up.
Good thread btw
The Raleigh MTB's that are up there for me are:
Dynatech 1st generation Odyssey , Diablo etc
Thunder road
Maverick mk1's
Supertuff Burner
I think that raleigh looked too much into mass production and numbers rather than concentrating on the larger picture, I think that Anthony has definitley summed it up.
Good thread btw