Raleigh Superbe Sports restoration


Dirt Disciple
Hey guys i was wanting to know what the detailing would look like on a 1950's 1960s raleigh green superbe sports bike. I know the frame, chaincase and mudguards have a single bronze pinstripe detail on them but im not sure what the seat tube and other areas have. or if the end of travel on the pinstriping is simple or stylized.
Hey there i have a weird conundrum with this bike. the rear light is always brighter than the front.. and i dont know why. i have swapped the bulbs which are LED's and looked for differences and its still dim at the front.


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Hi, there was no electrical equipment on this bike. I just used a modern day retro-looking headlight.
I have some issues with the lights on this bike actually. seems to be a earthing problem because when i remove the front lamp it dies. its wired up but it doesnt seem to be getting power through the wires but through the bike frame instead. i may have had a wire in the wrong place. the front light is also very dim too
Oh also does anyone happen to own a Raleigh superbe with an original FSU battery pack? i lost the plate from mine a while back and all i remember is that it was a circular piece of metal with a dome and a hole in it for the screw. i dont know how thick the plate was