Absolutely gutted to have to sell this bike but I have some hideous bills to pay and I've just got back into mountain biking which is proving very costly!
I bought the bike from its one previous owner and it is in very good condition for its age. The bike is all original except for the Cinelli bars and stem which were upgraded by the previous owner. It was only used in the dry so no rust and nothing seized. No dents or dings to frame or forks. Paint is generally very good apart from some scuffs on the seatstay from being placed on a stand. Bar tape is a bit tatty and the tyres have cracks from age but otherwise all the components are in very good nick. No pedals included sorry.
Frame and Forks - Reynolds 531c 54cm
Wheels - SOLD
Groupset - SOLD
Bars - SOLD
Stem - SOLD
Saddle - SOLD
Seatpost - SOLD
All components now sold so just the frame and forks left.
Price dropped to £120.
Drop me a message if you need any more details.
Would consider px for good quality 100mm mtb forks.
I bought the bike from its one previous owner and it is in very good condition for its age. The bike is all original except for the Cinelli bars and stem which were upgraded by the previous owner. It was only used in the dry so no rust and nothing seized. No dents or dings to frame or forks. Paint is generally very good apart from some scuffs on the seatstay from being placed on a stand. Bar tape is a bit tatty and the tyres have cracks from age but otherwise all the components are in very good nick. No pedals included sorry.
Frame and Forks - Reynolds 531c 54cm
Wheels - SOLD
Groupset - SOLD
Bars - SOLD
Stem - SOLD
Saddle - SOLD
Seatpost - SOLD
All components now sold so just the frame and forks left.
Price dropped to £120.
Drop me a message if you need any more details.
Would consider px for good quality 100mm mtb forks.