Feature Bike
They are out there! Never seen the Passport before - what's inside? This one looks like it might have a few interesting stamps.

Yeah, the Randonneur & Royal were based on same frame just differing spec and colour. I’d love to add a Rando type front rack that secures to the low rider fork bosses than those that fix to canti bosses. As yet to find oneLovely bikes. I have had both 531 Royal and Randonneur, also both in 708. The 708 is far superior. As far as I know the 708 Royal and Randonneur are identical frames, different colour and equipment level.
It's such a lovely ride and with the 26t granny gear it's just slightly easier than the Team Replica and Gran Sport for hills. Downloaded the catalogue and realised the bar tape and saddle should be black. Sorting that now. How's yours?I love the Rapide, I've just rebuilt an earlier version. Pictures in my bike thread.
Looks really nice. I'm going to black Benotto bar tape this weekend although I always think it looks strange with the brown hoods