Raleigh Peak / Dune Dancer


Im in Sheffield and have a much used Peak Id be prepared to sell

Its pretty much original as far as I remember, except it had new tyres a few years ago

The red bracket on the seat post is for a tag along and will be removed
Sorry about the reflective vandalism :) its been my commuter till recently

The headset and BB are shot, they work but with lots of play
I havent measured the chain but its safe to say thats had it too

Ive owned it from new and always thought Id do it up one day but thats less and less likely to happen

I cant remember the size but its probably the biggest they did
Im just over 6'


Yup - its a gate and no mistake

Its probably no exaggeration to say the length of seat post showing and seat stay would be reversed on a current bike :)
Nether Hedge":hwf9f4s4 said:

Im in Sheffield and have a much used Peak Id be prepared to sell

Its pretty much original as far as I remember, except it had new tyres a few years ago

The red bracket on the seat post is for a tag along and will be removed
Sorry about the reflective vandalism :) its been my commuter till recently

The headset and BB are shot, they work but with lots of play
I havent measured the chain but its safe to say thats had it too

Ive owned it from new and always thought Id do it up one day but thats less and less likely to happen

I cant remember the size but its probably the biggest they did
Im just over 6'


Hi Nether Hedge

Do you still have this Peak and are you still looking to sell it? I might be interested if so.


I think can get my hands on a Dune Dancer, I think it's a 19", not 100% sure though

Looks to be fairly original spec too

Will confirm info asap.
Dune Dancer is a 19" in good condition, looks to be almost fully original*, bar the stem which is modern

*not 100% sure of the original specs but looks period correct with canti's biopace chainset, LX rear mech...

Apologies for the pics they're from my phone


sharpylad":3ujs4gyn said:
Andy B, is the Dune Dancer for sale? I might be interseted in that.
I have sent you a message (@ the top of the page it should say you have 1 new message)
I have a DD

hi guys, i've joined this forum just cos I was googling the Dune Dancer and came across this thread!

Don't know if anyone cares or wants it, but I was going to take my DD to the tip. It's been in my shed for about 7 years unmoved - I'm 33 now, and I think I must have got it when I was about 15!

Now, it's not wholly original - at the time, we got the bits of a bloke who had upgraded his own bike, but kept certain bits of the DD.

So, from memory, my DD is original frame, pedals, seat, gear shifty bit.
We bought new wheels, handle bars and gears - the original was 21 I think, and we could only afford 18 at the time as the replacement!

The state of it at the minute, is the frame reasonably decent, the gel seat is a bit worn on the edges, the gears all work but I think the whole thing must need servicing as the chain doesnt ride very smoothly generally. (never been oiled or anything in whole of ownership!) The tyres are flat and look a bit cracked and perished.

I put it out there anyway, if anyone wants it (Leicester) then come have a look. If it's worth any pocket money, that'd be great - but as I say, I was taking it to the tip anyway.