Raleigh Lizard

one of the first mountain bikes

Has Repack Rider seen this?

Look at the size of the BB shell! It's mahoosive!
Anyone remember what year these date too? I remember lusting after one when I first got into cycling, but went for the Emmelle as it was £50 cheaper!
adamgent":tkq5u8w8 said:
one of the first mountain bikes

Has Repack Rider seen this?

i think first flight has already contacted the seller.

I would have a very rough guess of 1986 based on me plumping for a Peugeot Caiman for my Birthday one year instead of a Lizard.

Apparently the British Museum have beaten First Flight to it. The curator is trying to "Buy It Now" but the Museum doesn't have paypal.
adamgent":dqal9ujj said:
I would have a very rough guess of 1986 based on me plumping for a Peugeot Caiman for my Birthday one year instead of a Lizard.

Apparently the British Museum have beaten First Flight to it. The curator is trying to "Buy It Now" but the Museum doesn't have paypal.


Think these bad boys date from around 90. Certainly remember seeing them in Raleigh catalogues form around that time.

Chang Star brakes....cheng shin tyres (with a nice centre ridge)......10 speeds....non index thumbshifters....sprung saddles.....steel rims...oh happy days.

Some one has to buy this piece of history!

Jezza ?
jez-2-many-bikes":2uq55kwn said:
I remember the bike shed at school was full of these and Raleigh Mirage's.

Don't shame the Mirage. Were they white or purple ones?

Surprised you were allowed things with sharp points (like bikes) at the Warwick School for Criminally Insane Boys.