Raleigh Kalahari


Retro Newbie
Hi to all, I'm very new to all this and i was
recommended to this site.
I'm currently riding a Raleigh Kalahari can
anyone give me any information eg: age,
specs, cost when new i'm not to worried
about how much it's worth as i'm keeping
it, and any other relevant information would be
greatly appreicated.
I have more pictures if anyone needs any more help
identifing the bike
Thanks for ant help


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I'm probably wrong but I'd guess at '91 or '92 and I've been looking for one for ages! I think they were priced at about £350ish, but again I'm old and smell of wee so my memory isn't what it used to be....
Welcome, to the site :D


Thanks for the reply Jon, its a start i'm sure someone out there has all the information stored away in there brain.
Thanks again Jon
dek1165":1afg5fz1 said:
I'm probably wrong but I'd guess at '91 or '92 and I've been looking for one for ages! I think they were priced at about £350ish, but again I'm old and smell of wee so my memory isn't what it used to be....
Welcome, to the site :D



Spot on mate. nearly had one. Originally without V's and i think exage groupset. Flexistem as standard! V cool