Senior Retro Guru
Yeah it's a shame that they are only available in 700c X 25mm... folding Panaracer Pasela 27x1 are a good option..Lovely tyre, I wish they made them in 27” as well

I checked the tyre this morning and still looking nice and even.... time to bang it up to 120psi and stand well back. All good and Milo didn't jump 10ft in the air, I'm happy to run them at around 85psi with 50g Continental Supersonic butyl tubes rather than latex as this is going to be an everyday pub bike....

The rear wheel has been built 4 cross, the front 3 cross both with 305mm double butted rusty rustless spokes, I'm thinking 3 cross rear and 2 cross front in double butted stainless Sapien Race...

***No animals were harmed in this experiment***