Raleigh Clubman paint question (pic added)


Retrobike Rider
I've just bought a mid 80s Clubman in pretty good condition. Paintwork is OK but there are one or two spots that would benefit from touching-up.

It is the Maroon/red metallic colour. Does anyone know if it is possible to get the correct paint, or if not, the best match from other paints.
Re: Raleigh Clubman paint question

The little touch-up pens in Halfords are great for this. There's a fine brush and a nib like you get on the old Tippex pens but a bit smaller. You won't get the same colour but they keep every car colour under the sun, so you'll get something close enough :)

Yes, that's the one.

I've changed the headset, which was a bit rust-pitted and had been hand painted gold :facepalm: and put a new brake cable on the back and it's good to go. The chainring and freewheel teeth are not worn at all and the chain not stretched so the bike looks like it hasn't been used much. All original kit including the horrible mini mudguards.

It was advertised as parts or not working so the price was quite good at £92 (even though I secretly hoped it might not have been noticed and gone for less) and it was only 5 miles from my home.

I'll post a pic in the next couple of days.
Best bet is trip to your local paint shop supplies.I got the yellow in a custom spray can for my 89's ritmo.perfect match for around a tenner.halfords touch ups army cheap and you won't be happy with the.colour match

I'm not sure if it's the same shade of red / claret on the Clubman, but in the Routier reborn
postings Humbrol crimson enamel seemed to be a good match.