Raleigh Black Ops (Special Products) MTB

clubric that is one smart bike you've got there :cool: :cool: ,is all original ?
Very nice condition too,you've obviously been looking after and love it so.Welcome to the forum by the way,
I used to race one of these. Loved it dearly until it was stolen.

Great bikes, and as far as I can see original down to the last detail.

A nice bike by anyone's standards. :cool:

2125 refers to the grade of Titanium used.

Ti main tubes, aluminium lugs and headtube (which is one big lug) cro-mo rear triangle. The more expensive MT4 and Ogre bikes had Ti chainstays as well, and the seat stays were mn mo (maganese molybdenm).

Some said the MT3 as used on the Quantum was stiffer and climbed better and it was even roumered to be used by some team members who prefered it.
That pretty much sums up retro biking :D

The 2125 will be the code of the metals gone into making the titanium tubes. I couldn't tell you what they are, but it basically the amount of titanium, aluminium and other metals that are mixed together.

Edit: Too slow!
By the looks of things I'd say that it's only the pedals, seatpost and (ahem) mudguard that aren't original. (give or take a chain and brake blocks perhaps)

I want it.
Wow! Thanks to everyone for your welcomes and responses.

Drystonepaul - Thanks for the info, I'd found the catalogue in the archive section of the website last night. The dyna-tech thread will give me plenty of reading, thanks for pointing it out. Yep Dead Rats spoke highly of the site, I couldn't remember the details of my bike when I met him but he said that if I posted here there were plenty of experts about! As to seeing the bike in the flesh, does retrobike.co.uk arrange any meets? That was an ominous cough about the mudguard... have I done something awful :oops: Is it in the same league as adding purple neon underlighting to an E-type Jag? If so I will remove it immediately and put up with the muddy stripe up the back :D I can't say about the seatpost but you are right about the pedals as I'm about to confess to Dyna-ti...

Dyna-ti - As far as I know everything is original except for the pedals, I don't have shoes with clips so I bought some pedals at my local bike shop and changed them out. I kept the shimano clippy ones for when I get a little more confident on the bike. As to it's condition,it was well loved by it's previous owner, he was the kind of guy who took care of his things. I'm trying to keep up his good work.

Mikee & Easy_Rider - Thanks for the comments

Stick Legs - Thanks for the info on the Ti. What type of racing did you do on the bike? What is it best suited for? I've just been using it to ride the paths and tracks around the West of Manchester so far, nothing too dramatic but I am loving it. Thanks for the insights.

Thanks again to everyone for the warm reception.
i weep for my stolen one every time they come up on here, one of my all time favourite bikes i owned. Cherish it mate.
Nice frame, enjoy it before it cracks or falls apart :(

I think i prefer that to the full titanium Torus ones now, yes I definetly do!.
