Raleigh Ace - Now with piccys

I can just about get my toes on the ground :LOL: Didnt get it cleaned today to tired and i couldnt be arsed. Got a couple of days off so will get it done soon.
Its had its wash now and have been using it quite a bit to try and get some lung capacity back. I am going to make a couple of changes to it as time/funds allow. Putting some riser bars on it as I could do with the extra steering control, and wouldnt mind changing it to a 10 speed :shock: . Realise that changing the cranks will need a change of bb as not many cotter pin cranks are out there nowadays :LOL: Would like to keep it period so what would the roadie community reccomend.
I've just been given one of these. It'll do the job. just need to get a new wheel as the rear wheel hub has colapsed and bent. Its on my do to list once I finish my other project.
Dont suppose anyone out there knows what size bb's i would need to refresh everything? wheels/headset/bottom bracket. Have come to realise that it's really to big for me (23"frame), have to get off the saddle slowly or the family jewels are in grave danger :LOL:. But it works and I love it. Have taken the drops off it and put some flat bars on it. will get some more pics up when the new grips arrive.

Figured out the head and bb size I need is 5/16". Any heads up on cheap bb suppliers.
Re: Raleigh Ace

Bought one of these on Fleabay a couple of moths ago, spent a load of time doing it up, but am slowly having to accept it's maybe a bit small for me. May end up selling it and starting all over again. However, as people have said, they do polish up beautifully (see pictures). Any thoughts about what sort of price I could ask for? Also, if I do keep her, is there a way to stop the daft spoke protector from rattling on the spokes? I know I should really just get rid of it, but I spent time polishing it, and I don't know if a possible future buyer would worry about loss of originality even on a low-end bike like this?#

Help - can't see pictures. I waited for the upload to finish - what am I doing wrong?