Raleigh 600 EX

Is it possibly a Japanese built one thats found its way over from there or the states?
they were slightly different.
Could be............ but the overseas kit usually had a UK counterpart as they would be from the same production line. As mentioned it looks like one of the "Competition" family. I thought the GS with an erroneous 531c sticker done at the time of re-finishing.

A Japanese one won't have Nottingham England on the head badge, plus the serial number suggests a LU build from 1983

Does the frame look like it ever had braze on's for the gear shifters?

No sign of any braze ons. Just marking to the paintwork in that area. I will post a few more pictures this afternoon that may help to identify it. Cheers for all your help so far.
I'm still thinking Raleigh Royal, albeit that the Reynolds decal has either been changed, or is wrong...

Is there anything stamped on the drop outs? That might help....