Sold Raidan73's Black Friday sale - 10% further discount


Retrobike Rider
BoTM Triple Crown
BoTM Winner
Gold Trader
PoTM Winner
98+ BoTM Winner
Rocky Mountain Fan
Brodie Fan
Edit: now with 10% off stated prices

I've not been too well, so haven't had the time I'd like in which to get organised. I did manage a quick scout around the shed this morning though, and have the following up for grabs. Unless otherwise stated, all items include 2nd class mail, and I will get proof of postage. If you want a different postage method then that's fine, if you're willing to cover any extra cost. Payment by Paypal please; goods payment is fine (and I'll take the hit for the fees) but friends/family is appreciated if you trust me. A couple of the items may be for sale already, but not as cheap as here. Only one pic of each item, to make the listing easy, but happy to provide more on request.

Black XT hubs £40
135mm rear
32 hole
Rear is nice and smooth
Front is a bit notchy and needs a service
Well used but plenty of life in them

Nitto roller stem £29.50
22.2mm quill for 1" steerer
100mm reach
Good amount of rise

Ritchey clipless pedals £6.50
Pretty rough but still do the job
Missing one end cap
Both are nice and smooth and without play

Ritchey WCS clipless pedals with titanium axles £20
Well used
Both are smooth but have some play
Ti axles will fit other Ritchey clipless pedals of the same era
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STX front mech £7.50
NOS but has the odd storage mark
28.6mm clamp
Top pull

STX front mech £6
Unused I think, but has storage marks
Clamp bolt missing
28.6mm clamp
Top pull

XT M730 front mech £6.50
Endless band clamp type
Bottom pull
It works perfectly but ain't pretty. It's amazing what a bit of wire wool will do though

XT M730 front mech £6.50
28.6mm clamp
Bottom pull
It works perfectly but ain't pretty. Looks a bit better than the other one though

Deore MT60 front mech £6.50
28.6mm clamp
Bottom pull
Should clean up ok

SOLD Black LX cantis £12
Complete other than two washers
BWi Superblock pads have life left
SOLD Syncros Cattleprod £70
22.2mm quill for 1" steerer
125mm reach
3 degree rise
Could do with a new set of decals
SOLD Salsa roller stem £75
22.2mm quill for 1" steerer
130mm reach
Low rise, around 3 degrees
Could really use a repaint
SOLD Tioga T-Bone £11
25.4mm quill for 1 1/8" steerer
NOS but plenty of storage marks
Missing bar clamp bolt
130mm reach
Around 5 degrees of rise
SOLD Diamond Back dirt-drop roller stem £16
22.2mm quill for 1" steerer
130mm reach
Loads of rise
Missing quill wedge
SOLD Deore MT-62 cantis (postage cost only, or free with anything else)
No mounting bolts
Pads are toast
SOLD XT M730 cantis (postage cost only, or free with anything else)
No hardware at all
Pads are toast
SOLD Deore MT-62 front mech £8
Endless band clamp
SOLD XT M091 STI units £15
Good cosmetic condition but both the shifters are sticky. Haven't tested them with cable tension but assume they need a strip down/flush out
SOLD XT M737 rear mech £13.50
Good overall condition and perfect working order
SOLD STX front mech £7.50
NOS but has the odd storage mark
28.6mm clamp
Top pull
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