Q: Re-gluing seat covers


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Gold Trader
Who uses what? How's it holding up? Tips? Done dozens of moto seat covers, but I don't think the staple gun's the best tool for this job.
I used a repostionable contact adhesive. No doubt the brands are different your side of the pond, but it's survived two winters now.
Contact adhesive - not long done an old X lite Ti one and it came pit pretty darn well.
Found it...Bostik all purpose contact adhesive.
You can get it in tins, which is handy as it uses up about 1/4 of a tin per saddle...
now no glue sniffing!

My only advise with impact adhesive as there are 2 ways to use it - coat both surfaces, wit 5 minutes stick them together and its done - no room for error! or coat the most porous side and stick them together and you get a fair bit of wiggle time to pull it all tight and smooth.