Purple megalomaniac karma...


Retrobike Rider
Gold Trader
Right, it's Sunday & the sun's blazing down; what more could a boy want...? Well, not being at work would be a good start :x :evil:

So, to cheer me up I'm giving away a pair of translucent purple Tomac grips (you know the ones - there were some NOS flying out of here a little while back). Sure somebody will pop a pic up for me... :)

Can't remember if I even ever fitted them, but nothing purple happening around here in the near future.

Enough rambling - now the twist :twisted:
It's not first come first served - I want to know why you want them and what you're going to put them on. Best pitch wins! Keep it short, lay it on as thick as you like and it doesn't matter if it's a budget special or bling masterpiece, it's all the same to me, just what grabs me as a sweet project :cool:

Remember - keep it short ;) not like my posts :roll: :LOL:

Will most likely post them out Tuesdayish, so you've a day or two.

Look forward to seeing your projects :cool:

Hello, I have a 1998 kona Lava Dome (the nice green one) and have some Purple hope ti glide hubs Green king etc.

I want to build it up Green and Purple to give that awesome Comic book look! :)

Plus I am on the look out for a nice purple ringle cage and other purpley possibilities.

Oooh - like the sound of those...

Would look great on my LTS1 rebuild (purple frame).

That would be the only touch of purple, subtle tones of red and gold for the rest of the bike (to match the yellow/red decals)

Mind you due to funding, I've seen ice ages come and go quicker than this rebuild!
For once im thinking about someones bikes other than my own!!!, building my 10 year old his first REAL mtb and trying to add a degree of nostalgia and bling cause daddy blew the build budget on his latest project :oops:

He would love them, hence my use of a little bit of leftfield psychology ;)
How better to try and kill two birds with one stone... How do I build a Bike I dreamed of as a kid and get my girlfriend remotly interested in RB, riding and granting me a better passport to surf the site at will without that constant underlying look of disappointment??

A ball burnished Zaskar loaded with the closest respectable thing to pink.. 3dv, rings, hubs, bolts, chainrings, rims... It's the answer but it's missing a crucial last touch... Some posey grips :D

Give a guy a break ;)
I've been saving all my money to buy a van, i really really want one, so much so that i NEED one.

Anyhow, missus has got me delivering yellow pages next week for a bit more cash in the kitty.

Those fabulous grips would look ripper on my wheel barrow as i trundle round the streets of somerset. :shock:
My nameless..serial numbered Ti frame, suffers from an overture of purple. Purple odyssey canti hangers, brake boosters, seat collars, skewers, seatpost(in the works as long as my girlfriend doesnt kill me) and stem. Shes gorgeous. She needs grips.

However, Im in the US. Id fork the ship fees if you could float these gems over to me! And oh how they would match my Tomac-inspired Tioga Disk Drive hanging out in the rear.


Orange Vitamin T needs purple. Feels lonely since purple went out of fashion and was dressed in drab silver. Please help.
First up, apologies for my slackness on getting this done (I'll spare you the excuses)!

Finally I've a few hours at home now, so will announce a winner this afternoon...

Can you feel the tension? No? Fair enough, it's just a bit of fun anyway... :p :LOL: