Public sector strikes on Wednesday

Next thing we know the Government will force those in our Armed Services to start paying for a pension, take a massive pay freeze and work until they are 65.

Never mind it seems that those who CHOOSE a career in the Private Sector are so full of anger and green envy that they will soon demand that Hutton also turns the screw on them.

Those in the Private Sector who have been shafted or not even taken out a Pension should simply realise this.

I stayed in school until I was 18 and did my A Levels - My Choice.

I went to University full time and gained a degree - My Choice

In University I also worked 30 hours a week part time - My Choice

I've worked in the Armed Services - My Choice

I then worked in the Private Sector, had a company car, regular bonuses, health plan, insurances, etc. But a pretty crappy pension scheme. - My Choice

Family members were at that time working in the Public Sector, they were earning considerably less than me BUT their Pension Plan meant that their quality of life would eventually be much better. Retire far younger with more monetary benefit. They also were not as susceptible to fears of Redundancy so could make long term financial plans for both themselves and their children. They were however jealous of my car, house and annual holidays as I had far more money available to enjoy life at the fullest. This was their CHOICE they looked to the future whereas I looked to the present.

As I got a little bit older I could see that I had some options open to me. I could stay where I was, earn pretty decent money and have a pretty decent lifestyle. Pay into my Pension Plan and retire at 65. BUT i decided to make a CHOICE I wanted security and still wanted to be young enough to actually enjoy my retirement. I made a choice.

I again swore an oath to the Queen and sacrificed many things in my lifestyle so that the Government would reward me with a rest after 30 years pensionable service. This was my choice. A choice that hit me with nearly a £12,000 pay cut in my first year, no more company car, no more holidays to the Alps or Seychelles, no more bonuses. This was a choice and I swore an Oath to undertake.

Of course I pay £400 a month for my pension, I realise that what I pay in will never amount to what I get back. But this is one of the reason why I currently do what I do, put up with severe limitations on my lifestyle, acknowledge that my role or 'the job' is hated by most of our society and undertsand that every day when I go to work I might not come home. BUT this was my choice and it is also a choice that others can also make.

To say that I am a bit peeved at some of the comments on here is a bit understated. I've made sacrifices to achieve what I wanted now this is all going to be taken away due to the ineptitude of Governemnt and shady dealings. There is an underlying current of jealousy on this thread and for those that are jealous of Pensions in the Public Sector I ask a simple question why didn't you make the choice as well ??
rosstheboss":2k9seg7b said:
ah, The Mirror, that well balanced, politically independent font of wisdom!!!
Well that's as maybe - but are you shooting the messenger, or the message?

That article was decidedly brief, not much room for opining, it wasn't a big exposition or discussion piece - are you suggesting the detail isn't true?

It's one thing to rail against particular newspapers' idealogical or political standpoint, on principle, another, entirely to dismiss something that was pretty damned brief, that was less of a political or idealogical standpoint / rant / essay - but more of a brief article with some details in.
Neil":2uzp8679 said:
rosstheboss":2uzp8679 said:
ah, The Mirror, that well balanced, politically independent font of wisdom!!!
Well that's as maybe - but are you shooting the messenger, or the message?

That article was decidedly brief, not much room for opining, it wasn't a big exposition or discussion piece - are you suggesting the detail isn't true?

It's one thing to rail against particular newspapers' idealogical or political standpoint, on principle, another, entirely to dismiss something that was pretty damned brief, that was less of a political or idealogical standpoint / rant / essay - but more of a brief article with some details in.

It was also from 10months ago.
Gadro":yamj00dx said:
Next thing we know the Government will force those in our Armed Services to start paying for a pension, take a massive pay freeze and work until they are 65.

Never mind it seems that those who CHOOSE a career in the Private Sector are so full of anger and green envy that they will soon demand that Hutton also turns the srew on them.

Those in the Private Sector who have been shafted or not even taken out a Pension should simply realise this.

I stayed in school until I was 18 and did my A Levels - My Choice.

I went to University full time and gained a degree - My Choice

In University I also worked 30 hours a week part time - My Choice

I've worked in the Armed Services - My Choice

I then worked in the Private Sector, had a company car, regular bonuses, health plan, insurances, etc. But a pretty crappy pension scheme. - My Choice

Family members were at that time working in the Public Sector, they were earning considerably less than me BUT their Pension Plan meant that their quality of life would eventually be much better. Retire far younger with more monetary benefit. They also were not as susceptible to fears of Redundancy so could make long term financial plans for both themselves and their children. They were however jealous of my car, house and annual holidays as I had far more money available to enjoy life at the fullest. This was their CHOICE they looked to the future whereas I looked to the present.

As I got a little bit older I could see that I had some options open to me. I could stay where I was, earn pretty decent money and have a pretty decent lifestyle. Pay into my Pension Plan and retire at 65. BUT i decided to make a CHOICE I wanted security and still wanted to be young enough to actually enjoy my retirement. I made a choice.

I again swore an oath to the Queen and sacrificed many things in my lifestyle so that the Government would reward me with a rest after 30 years pensionable service. This was my choice. A choice that hit me with nearly a £12,000 pay cut in my first year, no more company car, no more holidays to the Alps or Seychelles, no more bonuses. This was a choice and I swore an Oath to undertake.

Of course I pay £400 a month for my pension, I realise that what I pay in will never amount to what I get back. But this is one of the reason why I currently do what I do, put up with severe limitations on my lifestyle, acknowledge that my role or 'the job' is hated by most of our society and undertsand that every day when I go to work I might not come home. BUT this was my choice and it is also a choice that others can also make.

To say that I am a bit peeved at some of the comments on here is a bit understated. I've made sacrifices to achieve what I wanted now this is all going to be taken away due to the ineptitude of Governemnt and shady dealings. There is an underlying current of jealousy on this thread and for those that are jealous of Pensions in the Public Sector I ask a simple question why didn't you make the choice as well ??

You should have stuck to your old job, put the £12k tax free+the holiday money+car savings into a pension pot and retired early.
got to have a go before it gets locked ...
taylorsummers":1wmnabpj said:
You should have stuck to your old job, put the £12k tax free+the holiday money+car savings into a pension pot and retired early
he would have had no quality life and no money when he comes to need it, as the pot would be worth 0.5 x f## all.

what saddens me about the whole thing is that the culture we were brought up on has been eroded & is fast changing. When I were a lad (it were all fields here..) your elders tought you several things
1. Get a trade - white or blue collar, something that will earn you money for a lifetime.
2. Save a bit each week for a rainy day
3. Get a pension so that in later life you have a reasonable standard of living
4. Buy property, its a solid investment.

So whats happened ...
1. Not easy to get a trade these days - without being disrespectful to those who work in telesales/customer care/checkouts/internet shopping, theyre not trades. Millions do those jobs, with very little skill and the vast supply of labour means T&C are often lacking. The lack of manufacturing / construction /apprentice schemes mean this has largely gone.
2. Save for what? to get penalised? Pi## it up against a wall and the state will help you if you need it. Plus the security of the high street bank has gone and the Govt fund that protects (a %age of) savings should a bank fold is probably tosh.
3. Pensions - the values of pension funds as a result of the banking crisis is diminished, in most cases in a deficit situation and for those showing a surplus will probably be used to bale out other areas. Work longer, pay more, earn less.
4. Housing - those who bought at the wrong time are now suffering and those who wish to buy now have no chance.

So what will the yoofs of today probably end up doing in their adult life? Live for today, spend what they've got so that no one can grab it, max their credit - after all bankruptcy is no big deal and handouts go to those in debt ... think short term, after all thats what its about these days

moan, moan, moan I'm afraid
taylorsummers":11v8g6rd said:
Neil":11v8g6rd said:
rosstheboss":11v8g6rd said:
ah, The Mirror, that well balanced, politically independent font of wisdom!!!
Well that's as maybe - but are you shooting the messenger, or the message?

That article was decidedly brief, not much room for opining, it wasn't a big exposition or discussion piece - are you suggesting the detail isn't true?

It's one thing to rail against particular newspapers' idealogical or political standpoint, on principle, another, entirely to dismiss something that was pretty damned brief, that was less of a political or idealogical standpoint / rant / essay - but more of a brief article with some details in.
It was also from 10months ago.
I know 5 minutes is a lot in politics, but 10 months is hardly irrelevant in terms of timescales, ain't it?

nope - perhaps the government should honour the pay and conditions that I swore an oath for. Perhaps Hutton would like to work a night shift on the 23rd (black Friday) and see the crap I put up with. People might say 'but you knew what the job was when you signed up.'

Perhaps them said people might like their family holiday cancelled because the shtf 250 miles away. Perhaps the same people might like telling their children that daddy won't be home for christmas with just 48 hours notice. Perhaps these people might laugh when I say I have to ask permission to live in a certain area. I'm not laughing as I made a choice.

I knew what my conditions of service were. Knew what was expected of me and it was laid out on the table what I was to get in return.

Sorry if I sound a little cheesed but politics are not the best topics to discuss. You may want to consider how lucky some are by being able to join a Political Party - I can't - not allowed - can't even become a full member of the local Labour or Conservative Club. So I also miss out on cheaper booze :( Then again I can always go to my local Lodge and discuss what you lowly minions get or don't get, do or can't do

Gadro said:

nope - perhaps the government should honour the pay and conditions that I swore an oath for. Perhaps Hutton would like to work a night shift on the 23rd (black Friday) and see the crap I put up with. People might say 'but you knew what the job was when you signed up.'

Perhaps them said people might like their family holiday cancelled because the shtf 250 miles away. Perhaps the same people might like telling their children that daddy won't be home for christmas with just 48 hours notice. Perhaps these people might laugh when I say I have to ask permission to live in a certain area. I'm not laughing as I made a choice.

I knew what my conditions of service were. Knew what was expected of me and it was laid out on the table what I was to get in return.

Sorry if I sound a little cheesed but politics are not the best topics to discuss. You may want to consider how lucky some are by being able to join a PolUitical Party - I can't - not allowed - can't even become a full member of the local Labour or Conservative Club. So I also miss out on cheaper booze :( Then again I can always go to my local Lodge and discuss what you lowly minions get or don't get, do or can't do


Life's just not fair is it!!!
Private sector - no pay rise for four years and I can't afford to pay into a Pension.

Some people don't know how good they've got it
With all this discussion..with the government saying we are all in together :roll: yeah right...have they as very senior civil servants had to pay more and retire on less..i dont know that is why i am
Asking?....looking at Gadro's comment him and me might work under the same conditions

Ernie ;)

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