Public sector strikes on Wednesday


I really expected it to be at least a couple more generations before we saw the Scottish Thatcherites putting their heads above the parapet.

Stll, props to you, if thats what you believe. You might try asking the bigger boys how THAT worked out last time. :LOL:
"As for who i'm expecting to pay for my state pension? Er, as a tax and ni payer i'm paying for it aren't i?!" You are paying for the pensions of those who have already retired, safe in the knowledge/expectation that future taxpayers pay yours.

That's kinda how a society works.
marky2484":3s4l3c5i said:
Scottish Thatcherites

Aye, that'll be right.

I've still not heard your grand plan for reducing the deficit. From what i've heard we should keep on spending just as much as we always have, not ask people to contribute more to their own pensions, not raise taxes, not cut services. So, lets do all this while not borrowing as much, and reducing deficit. Those sums really add up.

Or should the government just tax the private sector more? I mean it will mean less investment in the uk, fewer jobs and probably hit millions in the pocket. I thought you lot were in this for the common good, or is it really just yourselves you're out for?
velomaniac":1hwmeg0s said:
. But we who are public sector workers must face the facts that those not in our position are unlikely to see our point of view and without that support then ultimately we may lose the day !

Spot on!
Inconveniencing private sector workers and small businesses who are already struggling to make ends meet is hardly likely to make you any friends, especially when you're fighting for a benefit that has long been denied us.
Dumb F*ck statements from your Union leaders that rather than drag public sector pensions down to the level of private pensions, we should be fighting to raise private pensions to your level are naive beyond belief.
I wish you luck with your struggle but I really don't fancy your chances with ego led idiots at the helm.
suburbanreuben":2rauj8oq said:
velomaniac":2rauj8oq said:
. But we who are public sector workers must face the facts that those not in our position are unlikely to see our point of view and without that support then ultimately we may lose the day !

Spot on!
Inconveniencing private sector workers and small businesses who are already struggling to make ends meet is hardly likely to make you any friends, especially when you're fighting for a benefit that has long been denied us.
Dumb F*ck statements from your Union leaders that rather than drag public sector pensions down to the level of private pensions, we should be fighting to raise private pensions to your level are naive beyond belief.
I wish you luck with your struggle but I really don't fancy your chances with ego led idiots at the helm.

Dumb **** statements? Perhaps you misunderstand... The unions do that represent the private workers no matter how much you wish it. If you managed to get enough private workers into a union then it might be different, but the only people to fight for private pensions are private employed people.

Are the private pensions sh*te? Yes, yes they are.. even the PCS leaflet's show how bad they are, and discusses when they went wrong with allowing companies to have "pension holidays". Then those same companies rather than return the money.. screwed those employees over.. and the government let them.

So.. who is the guilty party here? The public sector workers for not wanting to give up suitable level pensions, or the government for allowing private enterprise to royally shaft about 80% of the country.

The media has it's agenda (political paper's for their masters like the Daily Fail).

Will all this be a headache? Yes. Are the government intentionally trying to demonise the public sector in the media.. and putting so much spin on it, any cricket umpire would be checking the ball? Yes. Is the point that so many different sectors are striking and indication that something is very very wrong? Yes.

I'm so sorry for inconvience's "mum's"... what did they do over the summer holiday? Who know's.... But being serious, it's an inconvience, and the gov is acting like it will break the economy, pretending like they are making an amazing offer. The offer is sh*t. Funny how they can pump millions into other things, but can't find the money to pay pensions.

Lastly... these are hard times. Last time they got this desperate they sold all the gold reserves at rock bottom prices, and were trying to sell off the bridges etc, and recently were trying to sell off the woods/forests.. So remember... the government has always got your back, always has the best at heart... because they clearly always know best.
Rumble":ds52s1bf said:
Plan for fixing the country? Try and answer without using smileys please.
If we can't get anything coherent from HM Opposition (and to a lesser degree HM Government) I doubt Retrobike will have the answer. :)
Rumble> That's the ultimate isn't it... asking for what the grand plan is from people. How about you lay your amazing idea out? :) I mean other than "let 'em burn, because I was hung out to dry'"
Touched a nerve?............still not able to "come out" to your friends and family?

"Rebalancing" of pensions is NOT part of the defecit reduction plan. Which now runs until 2015, 2017, 2019- take your pick.

Read Hutton. Not part of the plan.