Public sector strikes on Wednesday

We_are_Stevo":2zxx045q said:
...and I wouldn't mind betting the only time he ever fired a weapon was in training. People used to join up knowing they never would.

Lads today join up knowing they will...

I shed tears of pride and awe when 23-year-old L/Cpl Kylie Watson was awarded her MC; such courage and dedication in a world of WAGs, Wannabes and wasters...

Don't be such a ******* prick. As it happens he was awarded medals for gallantry, and was a member of elite companies in anti terrorism in the jungle in Malaya and Borneo. He was shot in Borneo and suffered serious injuries in Cyprus in a roadside bombing.

He might even have fired a gun?

But you know better and insult and presume. Look up your history and see what the British army did between the end of the war and the early sixties.
makster":26gd5gfg said:
Scougar":26gd5gfg said:
Please name some 'appalling' inefficiences other than the general sh*t they spout in the news?

Here's a belter... The government pay a private company (Carillion) to build a new wing at QA hospital in Portsmouth. The cost of the development is £256M. The taxpayer is now paying Carillion £43M per year for the next 30 years (into an off-shore account!) for this development. (£1.3 billion, for those lacking a calculator)
Over the past 12 months, 700 jobs and 100 beds have been axed from this 'state of the art' hospital due to lack of funds.
I work in this hospital on a very regular basis, and I personally have benefited hugely as this site has given me 15 years of job security, but FFS!
Who agrees to shit like this? Did nobody do the math, or ask where the money was being paid too? :roll:

The financial masterminds that were Mr Blair and Mr Brown.
We_are_Stevo":3o8zn5am said:
Tazio":3o8zn5am said:
We_are_Stevo":3o8zn5am said:
Well I guess they should feel really grateful for that then - I suggest you go down to Hedley House and explain it to them!

Well my dad was a career soldier for 20 years. He served in Malaya, Borneo, Suez, Cyprus and Palestine. All of them when they were in a state of conflict. His view was that people join the forces knowing what it entails. And any ex servicemen I have ever met with a gripe against the services tend to be the ones who are only in for a couple of years.

The british military are excellent at what they do but as is the norm these days the popular press are indulging in shitstirring.

...and I wouldn't mind betting the only time he ever fired a weapon was in training. People used to join up knowing they never would.

Lads today join up knowing they will...

I shed tears of pride and awe when 23-year-old L/Cpl Kylie Watson was awarded her MC; such courage and dedication in a world of WAGs, Wannabes and wasters...

So don't join up then! I'm sick of seeing people described as 'heroes' who have simply been doing the exact job they agreed to do.
Maybe if nobody joined our (badly) armed forces, we wouldn't be poking our noses into places they have no right to be?
taylorsummers":248lhod2 said:
makster":248lhod2 said:
Scougar":248lhod2 said:
Please name some 'appalling' inefficiences other than the general sh*t they spout in the news?

Here's a belter... The government pay a private company (Carillion) to build a new wing at QA hospital in Portsmouth. The cost of the development is £256M. The taxpayer is now paying Carillion £43M per year for the next 30 years (into an off-shore account!) for this development. (£1.3 billion, for those lacking a calculator)
Over the past 12 months, 700 jobs and 100 beds have been axed from this 'state of the art' hospital due to lack of funds.
I work in this hospital on a very regular basis, and I personally have benefited hugely as this site has given me 15 years of job security, but FFS!
Who agrees to shit like this? Did nobody do the math, or ask where the money was being paid too? :roll:

The financial masterminds that were Mr Blair and Mr Brown.

I'm sorry, but that doesn't wash with me. While I'm sure that both of the tosspots you have mentioned would have (we hope!) been involved in some part of the decision making over a project such as this, surely someone else could have stood up and been counted? These people surround themselves with yes-men because they don't want bad news.
Then, when it all goes tits-up, they walk away and write a best selling book.
Makes you proud to be British :roll:
Nope it was Blair/Brown nearly all the hospitals school etc that have been built were largely due to PFI schemes it was the only way the treasurly would give the relevent Gov Depts the go ahead to build them. Why as the PFI deals dont show up on the books!

Call me Dave promised a couple of years ago that they would carry out a full review/audit of the PFI deals carried out still hasnt happened. The MoD wanted to get a new set of air to air tankers Brown would only let them do it on a PFI deal even though it was cheaper to buy the A/C outright.

As for a bigger waste of space you only need to look at Brown how many times has he been back in the HoC since last year representing his constituents? And you only need to see what a tool he is by the offeres of employment coming in from 3rd parties.

Brown and Blair should be on trial for the state they have left the UK in bankrupt and a laughing stock.
LeeDevelopment":333b7yxa said:
we've had a four year pay freeze now.....

At lest you have had pay for 4 years, that is better than some of us

I am starting to think the idea of retirement is out dated concept

Strike in early December, probabuly has as much to do with Christmas shopping as anthing else, just wonderign why its not a friday so they call can have a nice long weekend as well.
taylorsummers":3t4hran5 said:
makster":3t4hran5 said:
Scougar":3t4hran5 said:
Please name some 'appalling' inefficiences other than the general sh*t they spout in the news?

Here's a belter... The government pay a private company (Carillion) to build a new wing at QA hospital in Portsmouth. The cost of the development is £256M. The taxpayer is now paying Carillion £43M per year for the next 30 years (into an off-shore account!) for this development. (£1.3 billion, for those lacking a calculator)
Over the past 12 months, 700 jobs and 100 beds have been axed from this 'state of the art' hospital due to lack of funds.
I work in this hospital on a very regular basis, and I personally have benefited hugely as this site has given me 15 years of job security, but FFS!
Who agrees to shit like this? Did nobody do the math, or ask where the money was being paid too? :roll:

The financial masterminds that were Mr Blair and Mr Brown.
Whilst it's probably true this occurred on their watch, PFI was hardly their baby - it came with teeth long before they got into government.
Scougar asked for some examples of waste and inefficiency, well we've heard a few now. I must have missed your response?

We are stevo's bizarre tangent also very helpfully reminded us that there isn't even enough money in the country's coffers to equip and pay our armed forces properly. Despite this, the desk jockeys, cleaners and others going to strike still think they deserve inflated pensions as a matter of priority. Delusional.
Whatever New labour inherited they took it to a whole new level of financial mismanagement and book cooking so they could keep the votes in their strongholds pouring in. I just hope that Labour do not get back in the next time.