The black line you see is the moulding line for the oddside.. when the pattern is moulded in the foundry, the moulder will create an oddside by packing sand underneath the leading edge of the blade and down to the black line I’ve drawn, removing the undercuts and allowing all the top face to mould.. parting powder is then sprinkled on the joint, another moulding frame is put on top.. a downsprue is put over the boss in the center to create a hole to pour through then the top half of the mould is rammed up with sand, when it’s almost set, the two halves of mould are turned over, bottom half is parted off.. the pattern will then twist out on its thread (if I’ve got all my moulding tapers correct) so the blades taper around the thread from leading edge to trailing edge.. the mould is then closed, turned back over and molten bronze is cast through the downsprue.. once cooled, break the sand off and the history man has his propeller.