Project: Shed(s)

Cleared out al the crap from under the units this evening; got a rubble sack full of spare wall tiles (which I'll never need), broken glass and screwed up grim looking dust sheets. I also found a reciprocating saw I forgot I had ! Three storage boxes ordered to go back underneath. That's 44.25 litres of extra space gained!

Three storage boxes arrived yesterday. They were the biggest I could find that would still fit under the units. An added bonus was the reciprocating saw I found under one of the cupboards, which I forgot I had. That made me £20 on Marketplace, which pretty much paid for the boxes - win, win!

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I was waiting for that 😂 It’s all a long game. Some will be sold but, tucked out the way, they can wait. I’ve got bigger things to sell first, that are taking up far more real estate. Hopefully that box will be big enough for at least all the front and rear mechs when I’m done.