Project: Shed(s)

but do you have a "guitar shed"? i'm drowning in my own stuff! oh, and a garage full of engines i might use, i need to get clean!! but i like the thing i just picked up to throw out.......glad i'm not alone. can someone explain this to the love island language?
Just say it’s like shoes dear. 👠
I didn't really want to relocate the bench but I did put it in the same location as you both in a couple of my recent sketches. When the shed was built the door was positioned so that the bikes could be hung on the left of the entrance but I didn't anticipate what was to come!
I can’t believe this was built as a dedicated bike shed. It’s got so out of hand. Time for a reset.
I can’t believe this was built as a dedicated bike shed. It’s got so out of hand. Time for a reset.
It wasn’t! The hanging space for bikes on the left was the only parts meant solely for bikes 😂
I look at my workshop and sigh in a depressed way. It was built specially as part of a new eco-house, then we moved from thinking about using a ground source heat pump to using a wood pellet boiler. That meant more than half of the original space went on the boiler and a three-ton pellet hopper. So it's never been right as a workshop - always crowded, always cramped. Sigh. In a depressed way.
@mk one Dont get me wrong.....i completly get collecting stuff. I have cds, shoes, records....some might even say bikes....

But the above is correct in that collecting can very easily become hoarding. The psychology of this is quite interesting and not something i suggest i fully understand for a moment.....but given the last few years of stress and change, i can completely see how one state could easily become the other as a kinda saftey blanket.

Being a collector of components is fine.....being a home mechanic / bike builder is fine......needing storage for your much used steeds is fine........

What's not fine is when you can achieve NONE of those in any useful fashion, by trying to do all three in the same space that is just too small. Sadly you just cant have them all on a scale that outstrips your capacity.

So either choose which you want or do all three to an attainable level.

Else....really your getting nothing meaningful from a massive half way house compromise hell!
I guess while we all share a similar interest we may all be coming at it from different circumstances/motivation/stage in life. That’s all going to impact the best solution for our particular situation.

I know hoarders who are compelled by their addiction - when you’ve got multiple barns filled to the rafters with not
just your interest but also anything/everything related to it as well as every wall/surface/bedroom of your house then others think it’s a bit odd. Visualise having a receipt stack for everything bought since 1960 for example! But the folk I know are genuinely really happy like that fully immersed, for them it’s a way of life not a hobby.

When I “sort it out” it will be to empty the existing multi function space to free it up for a kitchen extension. My main concern is not to get rid of anything but to make sure I’ve got a big enough space down the garden to enjoy what I’ve got.

My Grandfather had it nailed - he collected vintage/veteran bikes, when the sheds got too full he built a single story extension to the house which became known as “the museum”. Once done the shed was only for working on bikes. It became the limiting factor in his collecting, being able to get all bikes on display on the floor as well as being able to get any one out at any time as we rode them most weekends. So once full it was one in one out. To be fair my Grandmother was equally as passionate about bikes which is a bit different to my situation!
I think there a huge amount to be said for tolerant...let alone involved significant others....

We are now at day 2199 since our last blow up over the subject....that cost me a house and half my furniture....

We downsized the house to get bigger workshop space.....
I'm lucky my wife rides too. I never bulls**t or lie about cost or purchases. Love me love my bikes. The Royal lives in the living room:rolleyes:
:D Edited because English is hard, I am british just challenged, ask my wife. In fact don't.
I'm genuinely glad I started this thread and it's good to hear others' opinions and stories. I know I'm not the only person in this position and I'd prefer it to be more about group therapy than self indulgence, so please keep sharing! My wife has used the words 'hoarder' and 'unhealthy' whilst discussing the shed on more than one occasion. It comes from a good place where she wants me to enjoy the space (and be able to get the lawn mower without throwing a load of inner tubes out of the way and getting a handlebar land on her head) and my hobby.

@Gtpulse you've put forward some good ideas regarding storage which I can hopefully revisit when the time comes. Sorting out the inner tubes is definitely a job on the sooner rather than later list, as that's just good sense, is easily done and would make a small but instant improvement. As the shed isn't purely for bikes (despite the way it looks) the Makpacs are actually all full of non bike related tools (the little filing cabinet they sit on has work stuff in and will go in the new shed eventually).

I may have mentioned this previously but just for clarity, and to clear my conscience, I do have more bike stuff elsewhere. It's all safely tucked away in a mate's storage (let's call him Mr. X! Thanks as always if you read this) but I still include it as part of the issue. Though a small lean-to to house the kids bikes, and a few of my own, may be on the cards in the future I accept that I'm unlikely to ever have enough space to keep everything I currently have and be able to enjoy it. My karma thread will keep getting updated, along with further donations to a local guy who gets old bikes on the road and sells them cheaply to people who need them. I already have a couple of plastic tubs to work through and get out the door. I have also earmarked four frames for departure; two are already close to being sold with another one to follow (once it's been cleaned up). A third is destined for the scrap heap, or karma if someone can use it. I plan to try and keep this up but need to take it fairly slowly as packaging and posting stuff can be quite overwhelming in itself.