Project Peugeot 531 Pro


Dirt Disciple
So, hot off the Eroica 500 ride I began surfing eBay and have bought myself a Peugeot 531 Pro as it was going for peanuts.
I can't find a great deal of info on this particular model and any help ageing or advice is much appreciated.

I plan on having the frame repainted in a similar colour, giving a damned good general clean, putting all the original gear back and replacing cables and tyres.

Could be tempted to do all manor of changes... thoughts?


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About 1992 I think when they suddenly calmed down with their paint schemes :)

I used to sell them and build them when I worked at Chevin Cycles (mainly build them as I preferred bikes to customers). Pretty sure they were 531 main tubes and forks.

This looks almost exactly the original spec save for the better saddle - they were great value. The only parts I was a bit sneery about at the time were the seatpost, stem and bars which I always felt could have been Cinelli or 3ttt but hey it's a French company and it was bad enough they had to spec all Japanese groupset rather than Aris :LOL:

So if I was faffing about with it bar stem and post would be the only changes I'd make (and I'm not sure I'd even make them now as its so original).

Oh and some roughly period 105 style spds (the little ones with the same plates as MTB ones) if I had some and I wanted to ride clipless.

The 105SC groupset was great and we built my brother's bike up with that on a Peugeot frame in Columbus SLX. I remember building his wheels after wrapping presents at about 11 o'clock one Christmas Eve.. sorry, going all distratced and misty eyed!

It's a nice bike. Enjoy!
Thanks KondratievsBike,

I’ll be keeping the original components as they are all in great condition.
Current plan...

Have the frame and forks blasted and repainted in a very similar colour - Range Rover Aruba which is a silvery-gold/champagne metallic.

Replace the saddle with a beautiful old Brooks B17 Champion Sprinter that was given to me by an old cyclist who rode to 4th place in the 1954 Tour of Ireland.

White bar tape, cable housing and Christophe toe straps.

New decals if I can find the correct ones, struggling at the minute.

Stick on a set of Vittoria tyres and I’m good to go!

I’ve got a Peugeot MTB which needs some really similar decals. I’m hoping Lloyds can knock some up with photos and measurements. I’ll give you a shout if I’m right.