PROFLEXTHESIS - the tale of PROFLEX & K2 (and Girvin & Noleen etc) some history as I know it - maybe...

Again, thank you.
My hope is to resuscitate the Smart Shocks, given piezoelectrics are fairly robust and I have a recent electrical engineering graduate that suffers from the same delusions on two wheels as me, there’s hope. I’ll take some pics ;)

Again Thank you
Kenny, you appear to be up on the old Pro-flex bikes. I have one of the old Animal models which had the elastomer problem where they turned to bubble gum. I want to retrofit springs in place of them as the bike as been sitting for years. As I see newer models that appear to have the same shock system with springs, Girvin must have come up with a suitable replacement. Can you tell me where I can source some? Or if I could just get the specs ala, wire size and spring weight I may be able to have them made up custom.
Hi, Yes you can replace the old Elastomers with retrofit springs. It won't be cheap. Some of the 'newer' Proflex bikes can be replaced by standard Noleen 'spring' replacements with both front and rear versions. However I would recommend to replace with Risse Racing as these with fit virtually all models (front & rear) (including Animal 1995 and 'newer') of Proflex bikes 1993/95 and 'newer'. They have 3 models ( the Genesis, the Astro-5 and the Terminator) which are air shocks, which allow lots of variations to suit your weight and bike use. I've used my own with Astro-5 which are very good. If you can stretch for the Terminator they are even better. All are from USA and you will have to pay UK Customs (see - link Proflex and or - link Proflex).
Best Regards Kenny