S simonlovell99 Senior Retro Guru Dec 6, 2011 #1 On gumtree in bristol there is a proflex xp6, looks very good condition with girvin forks and elastomers in good condition (not yellow custard!). £100 full bike, not mine btw
On gumtree in bristol there is a proflex xp6, looks very good condition with girvin forks and elastomers in good condition (not yellow custard!). £100 full bike, not mine btw
orange71 Retrobike Rider Gold Trader Feedback View Dec 6, 2011 #4 good for the money - would suspect the elastomers are rock solid by now though.
NAILTRAIL96 Senior Retro Guru Dec 6, 2011 #5 What years did they produce XPX's? I have a large frame and like most, the suspensions rock hard.