Proflex 752 hack build

A black seatpost with the black cranks would look great. The front and rear suspension arms in silver really draw attention to the coveted components.
Here is two more versions.

blackish post with silver ring

Black on black

So far, I think I like this post a little bit more than the silver one.
I like the post too

It's rare I've liked black on black cranks on a build, tried it myself for a bit and switched back to black on silver. I do think on certain builds Black on black cranks can look perfect though.

With your build I'm kinda liking black on silver better (either combination), although this black arms/silver rings does go very well with this black seatpost
Here is two more versions.

Black on black
Love it! My eye is immediately drawn to the Amp fork linkage and swingarm. That’s really gonna be a magnet for attention and compliments when you take ‘er out on a ride.
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i have a soft spot for these frames, i had a 552 back in the day, basically the same frame but with a blue mainframe, it was the model below the 752, i built mine full xtr at the time with mag20's, a few years ago i found and bought a 752 frame and original fork, it's in a little better condition than yours and came with the brake mount thing and the original seatpost, i can check the exact diameter if you want to know for sure, i can't remember without checking. my intention is to build it up at some point, i was gonna try and build it reasonably original.

i think you may need to change the rear brake though, if memory serves these frames required the low profile brakes as with the ones you have when you are pedaling you can catch your heels on the brakes. impressed with your skills making the bits though, that's cool.

Today I found this in the mail. :D

That should take care of the rear boing, I hope. The only problem is the color. And I'll have to decide on an appropriate length. And on the number of segments. 3 seems about right. Then I'll need to make some separation disks. Didn't I have the top and bottom parts somewhere around here?

As I found myself looking at the workbench and I it dawned on me. Something isn't going as planned.

Wasn't this about cleaning the basement? :rolleyes:
Now how to cut this?

Hm. I have a hammer, so this problem has to be a nail.

Yop. That seems totally fine. :rolleyes:

And to my own surprise, that totally worked. A good result if I dare say so myself. Nice smooth surface. Perfect 90° angle.
I hope y'all are having a merry christmas.

I'm trying to take advantage of the quiet morning while the kids are still unconscious. Crank cleaning ASMR...

I don't really like cleaning cranks.

But when the parts are finally clean..

it sure is satisfying.

Kind of difficult decision on the flavor of the crank. At first I thought it would be easy win for the black one. But seeing it now, I'm not sure. Seems kinda heavy. Maybe try a black seatpost, too? Or a silver chainring to make it seem less bulky?

Silver is looking good, I guess. But it's kinda booring?

Campa - ugly as it always seems to be...

Thoughts anyone?
Looking good, Shimano in silver for me.