Principia Rex Pro headset

Trying to resist a 2003 Rex frame and fork I have found !! :cool: Or even better trying to convince my mate to have it !!

I know this thread is getting on for 10 years old.... I've got the same problem but top and bottom cups are 3.65cm I think??? Is there anyone out there who can help pelase??? This is literaly the last piece of the puzzle....

P.s. Its a pro also with Linda Mcartney decals etc, I think 2000?
Re: Re:

cflock":12xnz6rx said:
I know this thread is getting on for 10 years old.... I've got the same problem but top and bottom cups are 3.65cm I think??? Is there anyone out there who can help pelase??? This is literaly the last piece of the puzzle....

P.s. Its a pro also with Linda Mcartney decals etc, I think 2000?

Ah, sweet memories!

Mine was a Linda McCartney pro team frame as well - there’s a separate thread discussing what I should do with it...

I don’t get to ride it nearly often enough, but still feels special when I do! Will be selling it soon...
Re: Principia Carbon fork

Hi did you sort out the headset issue? Hope you don't mind but slight hijack, does anyone have aPrincipia Carbon fork with an insert glued inside? Mine does which reduces the headset bung size to what shoul be 1". My issue is that the threads on the PMP headset top cap screw are buggered and I can't find a replacement. Any suggestions appreciated?